The Story of Jesus Caritas Church’s Parish Priest

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Fr Simon Lau

In an unexpected twist of fate, Father Simon Lau reflects on a vocation that unfolded in ways he could never have foreseen. Born into a non-Catholic family, Fr Simon navigated a path from pursuing a degree in Fine Arts to ultimately answering God’s call to become a Catholic priest.

A Non-Catholic Background:

Fr Simon in his early days came from a Buddist background, spending his formative years in Penang before pursuing further studies in KL. Despite initial disinterest in academics, he obtained a degree in Fine Arts with aspirations of becoming a renowned artist upon graduation in 1995.

A Life Full of Art:

The pursuit of a career in fine arts posed greater challenges than he had anticipated. However, divine intervention through his community of friends introduced him to the Catholic faith. Attending church and participating in the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) marked the beginning of his spiritual journey.

A Calling from God:

A transformative moment occurred during a morning Mass at Good Shepherd Church, Setapak when Fr Simon witnessed an elderly priest, Rev Fr Antoine Henriot M.E.P, celebrating the Eucharist. This encounter stirred a deep questioning within him, leading him to inquire if God was calling him to become a priest.

Struggles and Sacrifices:

Discerning the vocation was a challenging process. Fr Simon grappled with the prospect of letting go of various aspects of his life, including cherished hobbies, an active lifestyle, and a budding career as a fine artist. The struggle to reconcile these aspects with a life in the seminary presented a significant challenge.

Trusting in God's Plan:

Despite these struggles, the call to the priesthood persisted. Trusting in God’s plan, Fr Simon had to let go of his pride, transition from a business man to a seminarian, and embrace a life of simplicity within a diverse community in the seminary. Contrary to initial fears of losing everything, God transformed Fr Simon’s life. Instead of forsaking his interests, God repurposed them to serve Him and lead others to Him. The journey also led to a broader family, including seminary brothers, brother priests and parishioners from across the country.

A Rewarding Career:

Contrary to expectations, answering God’s call did not mean sacrificing everything. Instead, Fr Simon found a more fulfilling career – the opportunity to save souls as a priest, which brought profound meaning to his life.

Answering God's Call:

It took a decade for Fr Simon to answer God’s call and another ten years of formation in the seminary. The journey was challenging but undeniably worth it. As he reflects on his experience, Fr Simon encourages everyone especially the young to listen for God’s call in their own lives and, more importantly, to respond to it with courage.

A Faithful God:

Fr Simon’s pilgrimage to Jerusalem many years ago holds a special memory. He had the privilege of baptizing his mother in the River Jordan, a moment that affirmed God’s faithfulness to those who trust in Him.

Letting Jesus Get Into Your Boat:

Recalling the biblical scene where Jesus entered Simon’s boat, urging him to cast his nets into the deep, Fr Simon invites us to consider allowing Jesus into our own boats.
Are we willing to venture into the deep, even if it seems daunting? Jesus promises that by trusting Him and following His call, they become fishers of men.

This article is based on: My Vocation Story by Fr Simon Lau (Republished in 2021)

Attendance Policy​

  1. Regular weekly attendance at all class sessions is expected. It should be the norm for all catechism learners to attend more than 80% of classes, failing which the student may be retained in the level or forgo receiving the Sacrament for the given year at the discretion of the church Priests/Catechism Ministry.
  2. Parents are to notify the catechist by phone or email if their child will be absent, stating the reason for the absence.
  3. Understand that irregular attendance at Mass may lead to the child not receiving the sacrament for the given year to ensure more faith guidance and commitment is instilled.

Parents' Guidelines:​

The Church recognizes that parents have the primary responsibility for educating their children in the faith. Parents should assist their children in their learning, teach them how to pray, and review any homework. In addition, parents are asked to:

  1. Ensure children are on time for class.
  2. Communicate any concerns to the contacts listed on the website or to the class catechists. Parents are expected to maintain a respectful and courteous attitude towards catechists, other parents, and children at all times. This includes verbal communications in parents chat groups, private messages to catechists, and non-verbal interactions.
  3. Serve as role models and ensure their children attend Mass weekly, including on obligatory days, and go for confessions (at least once a year for children who have received First Holy Communion).
  4. For younger children up to level 2, parents are encouraged to physically pick up their children after class (preferably from the classrooms).
  5. Encourage children to participate in the spiritual camp, outreach, or day trip meant for spiritual formation.
  6. Encourage their children to follow the safe environment guidelines at all times while on the premises of Jesus Caritas and nurture them to take care of the church facilities, assets, and cleanliness.
  7. Pay attention to and share with the children information and matters shared by our Catechists periodically through the parents’ chat groups.
  8. Encourage children to take part in BEC and catechist-initiated Mass animation (e.g., doing readings, hospitality ministry, offertory, and reciting the Rosary before Mass).
  9. Attend the Parent-Catechist meet and take keen interest in the child’s faith formation and behavior in general.
  10. Ensure that each child possesses a Catholic Bible, makes reference to it regularly, and brings it to catechism classes.
  11. In the event one of the parent is a non-Catholic, we encourage a signed parental consent letter to be given to the Catechetical Ministry to allow the child to attend catechism classes.
  12. Ensure children bring their Bible, Catechism book, notebook, writing materials (pens, pencils), and water bottle as required for classes.