Mass Schedule

3 March (Sunday)


3rd Sunday of Lent (Mandarin Mass)

3 March (Sunday)


3rd Sunday of Lent (English Mass)

2 March (Saturday)


3rd Sunday of Lent (English Mass)

1 March (Friday)


Mass (Bilingual) followed by Adoration & Benediction

1 March (Friday)


The way of the Cross (Bilingual)

29 Feb (Thursday)


Daily Mass

28 Feb (Wednesday)


Daily Mass

27 Feb (Tuesday)


Daily Mass

25 Feb (Sunday)


2nd Sunday of Lent (Mandarin Mass)

25 Feb (Sunday)


2nd Sunday of Lent (English Mass)

24 Feb (Saturday)


2nd Sunday of Lent (English Mass)

23 Feb (Friday)


Daily Mass (Bilingual)

23 Feb (Friday)


The Way of The Cross (Bilingual)

21 Feb (Wednesday)


Daily Mass

20 Feb (Tuesday)


Daily Mass

18 Feb (Sunday)


1st Sunday of Lent (Mandarin Mass)

18 Feb (Sunday)


1st Sunday of Lent (English Mass)

17 Feb (Saturday)


1st Sunday of Lent (English Mass)

20 Jan (Saturday)


3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (English Mass)

19 Jan (Friday)


Daily Mass

14 Jan (Sunday)


2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (English Mass)

13 Jan (Saturday)


2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (English Mass)

12 Jan (Friday)


Daily Mass

11 Jan (Thursday)


Daily Mass

7 Jan (Sunday)


Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord (Mandarin Mass)

7 Jan (Sunday)


Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord (English Mass)

6 Jan (Saturday)


Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord (English Mass)

5 Jan (Friday)


Mass followed by Adoration & Benediction (Bilingual)

4 Jan (Thursday)


Daily Mass

3 Jan (Wednesday)


Daily Mass

2 Jan (Tuesday)


Daily Mass

1 Jan (Monday)


Solemnity of The Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God (Bilingual Mass)

December 2023

31 Dec (Sunday)


The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph (Mandarin Mass)

31 Dec (Sunday)


The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph (English Mass)

30 Dec (Saturday)


The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph (English Mass)

Attendance Policy​

  1. Regular weekly attendance at all class sessions is expected. It should be the norm for all catechism learners to attend more than 80% of classes, failing which the student may be retained in the level or forgo receiving the Sacrament for the given year at the discretion of the church Priests/Catechism Ministry.
  2. Parents are to notify the catechist by phone or email if their child will be absent, stating the reason for the absence.
  3. Understand that irregular attendance at Mass may lead to the child not receiving the sacrament for the given year to ensure more faith guidance and commitment is instilled.

Parents' Guidelines:​

The Church recognizes that parents have the primary responsibility for educating their children in the faith. Parents should assist their children in their learning, teach them how to pray, and review any homework. In addition, parents are asked to:

  1. Ensure children are on time for class.
  2. Communicate any concerns to the contacts listed on the website or to the class catechists. Parents are expected to maintain a respectful and courteous attitude towards catechists, other parents, and children at all times. This includes verbal communications in parents chat groups, private messages to catechists, and non-verbal interactions.
  3. Serve as role models and ensure their children attend Mass weekly, including on obligatory days, and go for confessions (at least once a year for children who have received First Holy Communion).
  4. For younger children up to level 2, parents are encouraged to physically pick up their children after class (preferably from the classrooms).
  5. Encourage children to participate in the spiritual camp, outreach, or day trip meant for spiritual formation.
  6. Encourage their children to follow the safe environment guidelines at all times while on the premises of Jesus Caritas and nurture them to take care of the church facilities, assets, and cleanliness.
  7. Pay attention to and share with the children information and matters shared by our Catechists periodically through the parents’ chat groups.
  8. Encourage children to take part in BEC and catechist-initiated Mass animation (e.g., doing readings, hospitality ministry, offertory, and reciting the Rosary before Mass).
  9. Attend the Parent-Catechist meet and take keen interest in the child’s faith formation and behavior in general.
  10. Ensure that each child possesses a Catholic Bible, makes reference to it regularly, and brings it to catechism classes.
  11. In the event one of the parent is a non-Catholic, we encourage a signed parental consent letter to be given to the Catechetical Ministry to allow the child to attend catechism classes.
  12. Ensure children bring their Bible, Catechism book, notebook, writing materials (pens, pencils), and water bottle as required for classes.