Parish History

The corner shop that became first dedicated space for Masses in Kepong area.

About The Parish

We are a Latin-rite Catholic Parish, dedicated to serving both the English and Mandarin-speaking communities in the Kepong, Selayang, and Segambut Areas of North Kuala Lumpur.

Our parish’s origins can be traced back to the late 1960s when it was established as a Mass centre. Inspired by the missionary spirit of St. Paul, Fr. Pierre Decroocq, MEP, embarked on a mission to establish Mass centres and entrusted them to trained lay leaders. His outreach extended across a vast area, from Kepong Lama to Kepong Garden and even as far as Jalan Damansara. In 1969, a corner shop became the first dedicated space for Masses in the Kepong area. Subsequently, a multipurpose community centre was established, providing a hub for tuition classes, tailoring services, and a nursery.

In the spirit of St. Paul’s missionary work, Fr. Pierre Decroocq, MEP, continued to expand his mission, covering a significant area from Kepong Lama to Kepong Garden and Jalan Damansara. The first centre in this locality was established in 1969 when a new housing scheme began in the Ong Bahru district. Here, a group of Catholic families gathered for worship and meetings in a corner shop house. Later, a community centre was established, offering tuition classes, tailoring services, and a nursery. This centre served the community for five years until a generous donation of land from a Chinese developer enabled the construction of a new church-community centre.

On this ideal piece of land, a two-story church was built, dedicated to JESUS CARITAS, and blessed by Archbishop Dominic Vendargon in April 1975. A Parish Pastoral Council was formed to serve both the Christian community and the wider community. Lay leaders received training in various ministries within the Christian community, including caring for the sick, aiding the poor, supporting drug addicts, educating students, and assisting working youth. Additionally, the community centre provided classes for people of different faiths, including programs for slow learners, tailoring classes, and a kindergarten. The centre even had a Music Hall for the youth, offering indoor games like billiards, badminton, and Taekwondo. Fr. Pierre Decrooq also became renowned for conducting prayer sessions every Friday with a group of volunteers, offering prayers for the physical, mental, and spiritual well-being and recovery of those in need. He served as the first parish priest of “Jesus Caritas” parish from its foundation in 1975 until 1985 when his health could no longer sustain such an active life.

Over time, the parish community diligently raised funds, enabling a major renovation of the entire church complex during the tenure of Rev Fr Mitchel Joseph, completed in 2011. This renovation included the construction of a brand-new church and an adjacent building known as Wisma Caritas, which provided additional rooms for the kindergarten, Sunday school, and meeting facilities.

Subsequently, Rev Fr Surain Durai Raj briefly served as Parish Priest for two years before being reassigned elsewhere. In 2015, Fr. Michael Chua was transferred to the parish.

In 2019, significant beautification work was carried out in the sanctuary under the guidance of Rev. Michael Chua. However, in 2020, the parish faced the challenging decision to close its doors due to the Covid-19 pandemic. During this period of adversity, Masses and various spiritual formations were livestreamed, offering solace and spiritual growth opportunities to the faithful. This invaluable service was made possible through the leadership and guidance of Fr. Michael and Fr. Dominic.

Today, the Parish is under the pastoral care of Rev. Fr. Simon Lau, appointed as Parish Priest by the Archbishop of Kuala Lumpur in early 2022. The Parish is embarking on a significant journey towards its 50th Year Jubilee in 2025. Extensive preparations, including renovations, rectifications, and repainting efforts, are currently underway to commemorate this momentous occasion.

First Parish Priest

Rev Fr Pierre Peter Decrooq MEP

Fr Pierre Peter DeCrooq was born in Nothern France in 1922 and was ordained in Paris on March 1947. He was sent to the Kunming Province in China in 1949 where he served the Church of the Immaculate Conception for three years.

He came to Malaysia in 1952 and served for two years at St Joseph’s Church, Sentul and seven years at the Church of the Holy Rosary in Brickfields as an assistant priest. He also served as the Young Christian Workers Movement for four years before being appointed as the parish priest of St Joseph’s Church in Sentul in 1966. He then took over as the parish priest of the Church of the Risen Christ in Jalan Ipoh in 1968 and served there for seven years before taking over the Church of Jesus Caritas in Kepong in 1975.

Throughout his time in Malaysia, He helped set up 5 churches in Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, and Pahang. He was also in charge of six parishes before his death in 1985 at the age of 63.

Fr Pierre Peter Decrooq

Past and Preset Priests

Rev Fr Simon Lau

Parish Priest
2022 - Present

Rev Fr Pierre Peter Decrooq MEP

Parish Priest
1975 - 1985

Rev Fr Paul Tan SJ

Priest in Residence

Rev Fr Lawrence Andrew SJ

Priest in Residence

Rev Fr Pierre Peter Decrooq MEP

Parish Priest
1975 - 1985

Rev Fr Paul Tan SJ

Priest in Residence

Rev Fr Lawrence Andrew SJ

Priest in Residence

Rev Fr Antoine Pallier MEP

Priest in Residence
1985 - 1986

Rev Fr Antoine Pallier MEP

Priest in Residence
1985 - 1986

Rev Fr Simon Tang

Parish Administrator
1986 - 1991

Rev Fr Benedict Savrimuthu

Parish Priest
1991 - 1998

Rev Fr Simon Tang

Parish Administrator
1986 - 1991

Rev Fr Benedict Savrimuthu

Parish Priest
1991 - 1998

Rev Fr Philip So

Asst. Parish Priest
1991 - 1998

Rev Fr Eugene Benedict

Asst. Parish Priest
1991 - 1992

Rev Fr Leonard Lexson

Asst. Parish Priest
1993 - 1998

Rev Fr Philip So

Asst. Parish Priest
1991 - 1998

Rev Fr Eugene Benedict

Asst. Parish Priest
1991 - 1992

Rev Fr Leonard Lexson

Asst. Parish Priest
1993 - 1998

Rev Fr Joachim Tan

Parish Priest
1998 - 2005

Rev Fr Joachim Tan

Parish Priest
1998 - 2005

Rev Fr Mitchel Joseph

Parish Priest
2005 - 2013

Rev Fr Philip Chua

Asst. Parish Priest
2008 - 2015

Rev Fr Mitchel Joseph

Parish Priest
2005 - 2013

Rev Fr Philip Chua

Asst. Parish Priest
2008 - 2015

Rev Fr Surain Durai Raj

Parish Priest
2013 - 2015

Rev Fr Michael Chua

Parish Priest
2015 - 2022

Rev Fr Lucas Ng CDD

Asst. Parish Priest

Rev Fr Surain Durai Raj

Parish Priest
2013 - 2015

Rev Fr Michael Chua

Parish Priest
2015 - 2022

Rev Fr Lucas Ng CDD

Asst. Parish Priest

Rev Fr Dominic Tan

Asst. Parish Priest
2018 - 2022

Rev Fr Dominic Tan

Asst. Parish Priest
2018 - 2022

Rev Fr Bernard Hyacinth

Asst. Parish Priest
2022 - 2023

Rev Fr Jean Claude

Asst. Parish Priest
2023 - 2024

Rev Fr Bernard Hyacinth

Asst. Parish Priest
2022 - 2023

Rev Fr Jean Claude

Asst. Parish Priest
2023 - 2024

Corpus Christi

Parish Feast Day

JCC’s Parish Feast day is the feast of Corpus Christi, also known as the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. It is usually celebrated on the Thursday following Trinity Sunday.

Photo Gallery

Attendance Policy​

  1. Regular weekly attendance at all class sessions is expected. It should be the norm for all catechism learners to attend more than 80% of classes, failing which the student may be retained in the level or forgo receiving the Sacrament for the given year at the discretion of the church Priests/Catechism Ministry.
  2. Parents are to notify the catechist by phone or email if their child will be absent, stating the reason for the absence.
  3. Understand that irregular attendance at Mass may lead to the child not receiving the sacrament for the given year to ensure more faith guidance and commitment is instilled.

Parents' Guidelines:​

The Church recognizes that parents have the primary responsibility for educating their children in the faith. Parents should assist their children in their learning, teach them how to pray, and review any homework. In addition, parents are asked to:

  1. Ensure children are on time for class.
  2. Communicate any concerns to the contacts listed on the website or to the class catechists. Parents are expected to maintain a respectful and courteous attitude towards catechists, other parents, and children at all times. This includes verbal communications in parents chat groups, private messages to catechists, and non-verbal interactions.
  3. Serve as role models and ensure their children attend Mass weekly, including on obligatory days, and go for confessions (at least once a year for children who have received First Holy Communion).
  4. For younger children up to level 2, parents are encouraged to physically pick up their children after class (preferably from the classrooms).
  5. Encourage children to participate in the spiritual camp, outreach, or day trip meant for spiritual formation.
  6. Encourage their children to follow the safe environment guidelines at all times while on the premises of Jesus Caritas and nurture them to take care of the church facilities, assets, and cleanliness.
  7. Pay attention to and share with the children information and matters shared by our Catechists periodically through the parents’ chat groups.
  8. Encourage children to take part in BEC and catechist-initiated Mass animation (e.g., doing readings, hospitality ministry, offertory, and reciting the Rosary before Mass).
  9. Attend the Parent-Catechist meet and take keen interest in the child’s faith formation and behavior in general.
  10. Ensure that each child possesses a Catholic Bible, makes reference to it regularly, and brings it to catechism classes.
  11. In the event one of the parent is a non-Catholic, we encourage a signed parental consent letter to be given to the Catechetical Ministry to allow the child to attend catechism classes.
  12. Ensure children bring their Bible, Catechism book, notebook, writing materials (pens, pencils), and water bottle as required for classes.